Rhonda 844-332-2639 ext 446

Want to Play a Kinky Game with me? Let’s do it. We’ll get all comfortable, curled up on opposite sides of the couch, and stare into each other’s eyes as we share a drink or two. We’ll play “I Never,” perhaps. Have you ever played?

It’s easy. I’ll mention a sexual position or maybe an exciting excursion to explore sensual fantasies, and you’ll tell me if you have ever done it. You must tell me if you’ve thought of it if you say I Never. Then you can do it back to me. See, Easy peasy. And as we share libations and relax more and more, the deeper secrets we’ll spill.

Want to Play a Kinky Game?

The game will get dirtier as we sink into the couch, wanting to reach out to each other and fulfill some of these dark secrets. So close to each other, an arm’s length away, but we won’t touch. Well, not each other, at least.

I have a secret of my own, you see. I love this game. Kinky, I Never. You’ll see my hand move as you talk. As your secrets spill out of you, my hand will start caressing my thigh, my eyes never leaving yours as that hand sinks under my skirt. You’ll see my small pink tongue flicker out, wetting my dry lips, my breath quickening with your words as my hand slips into my panties.

You see the moment my fingers brush against my clit. The sharp inhale of breath. My bountiful chest rises as I inhale. I like being watched, after all.

Your words fumble, and my fingers stop. My eyes wait for you to stop looking at my wayward hand until you meet my gaze again. I’ll smirk at your blunder and wait. You know what I want. I want your words, your secrets, your desires. And you will give me what I want if you want to watch me.

Play a Kinkyt Game with Rhonda

844-332-2639 ext 446