Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

 It’s finally Saturday night and I’m so excited to just relax after a long week. I pour a glass of wine and can’t help but dance around my place as one of my favorite songs is playing. I’m so lost in my dancing that it’s takes me a few seconds to realize that the phone is ringing. I turn down the music but by the time I pick up the phone, they’ve hung up. I turn my music back up and proceed to make a little charcuterie board snack To enjoy while I catch up on my shows.

Right as I’m about to sit down on the sofa, the phone rings again. I answer to hear heaving breathing followed by a deep, masculine voice “Well hello there sexy”. His voice is so hot! Who is this mysterious caller?  I let him know he has the wrong number. “No, I have the right number. I’ve been watching you dance.”  My heart sinks. I jump up to close the curtains but it’s as if everything is in slow motion, my legs are jello and I can’t get to the windows fast enough. Right as I’m about to hang up, he yells “No,

The Myserious Caller

Don’t hang up! I’ve been watching you. I’m really quite mesmerized by your beauty, the way you move, everything about you. I can’t get enough. I want more. I want to know you, feel you, have you. I want YOU!” I’m speechless, I don’t know how to feel. I’m flattered, scared, and intrigued, all at the same time. I should be closing the curtains, hanging up the phone, and possibly calling the police right now. But all I can do is sit here. I want to know more. I want to know who this person is and how did he find me?

Julie 1844-332-2639


