
Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy Anna had to run some errands, but while out she checked the baby cam in the nursery, only to find that Victoria Kate out of her diaper playing with something. Mommy Anna hurried to check out and then rushed home to check on her baby girl. She ran into the house with the groceries and left them at the front door. As Mommy Anna tip toed upstairs she could hear moaning.

Continue reading “Mommy Anna teaches Victoria Kate a Lesson Pt.1”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Victoria Kate was getting the sniffles. Mommy Anna grew suspicious. She told her to rest in bed. Mommy Anna insisted on checking her temperature with the thermometer the old-fashioned way, but dropped it on the floor. As Mommy Anna went to go pick it up from underneath the bed, she found one of Victoria Kate’s dresses bunched up underneath the bed, covered in three big splattered cum stains.

Continue reading “Mommy Anna brings Victoria Kate back to the Nursery”

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Miss Anna’s Baby girl Victoria Kate had been misbehaving lately. First, Miss Anna caught her trying to steal one of her fanciest dresses. She heard her tip toe from her closet, then climb down the stairs, but before she could escape and run outside, Mommy Anna caught her. ‘’Where do you think you’re going young lady?! You’re not going anywhere this late!’’

Continue reading “Miss Anna’s Naughty Baby girl Victoria Kate”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy grabbed Tami and brought her back to the nursery; she closed the door and locked it behind her. Now, said mommy, now that you’re feeling better, Mommy has a surprise for you. Mommy made Tami put on mommy’s high heels and strut for mommy in them, then mommy dressed Tami in a nice frilly dress and put cock bows in her hair.

Continue reading “Tami’s Nursery Pt. 4”


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Tami had gotten a boo-boo on her knee. Mommy Anna ran to the park to pick Tami up and carry her baby back home. ‘’That’s it!’’ Said Mommy Anna, no more playing outside with the other babies in the neighborhood, you’re staying home with Mommy. Little did Tami know, that Mommy Anna was watching the whole time from the second-floor window. Watching and waiting for Tami to fall, as she knew it was only a matter of time.

Continue reading “Whatever happened to Sissy Baby Tami? Pt. 1”

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Mommy had made Tami’s favorite dinner. She set the plate, lit candles and even poured wine. Once everything was set, she sat down and waited looking at her beautiful setup . Time passed and she seemed to have been waiting much too long! Tami was unquestionably late! She picked up the phone and called Tami to ask where her naughty baby was. Tami said she couldn’t come for dinner yet, that she was being held back and got tied up. Before mommy could even make a sound Tami hung up on her. Mommy had heard enough! Mommy threw the phone and went looking for Tami.

Continue reading “Tami’s coming home”

Tami naughty nursery Pt. 2

Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Tami woke up from a long slumber, and all the while mama Anna waited for her little deviant baby to rise. When Tami came to and looked around, it took a moment or two to remember just where in the world this naughty baby was…. Tami’s very own naughty nursery.  At first, Baby Tami pretended to be asleep, but no baby can hide from Mama Anna, she could tell her baby was only half asleep and faking slumber.

Continue reading “Tami’s Nursery Pt 2.”