844-332-2639 ~Idun~ ext 369 and ~Krysta~ ext 410

This bitch sold me. She used my weakness against me, and skittles were my downfall. I love how they are hard when you pop them in your mouth, then get gooey and chewy. Not to mention all the pretty colors! You really can taste the fucking rainbow when you eat them by the handful.

Idun and I had just met, really. I thought she was pretty and kind, but I was so fucking wrong. That cunt is evil and unfeeling. Her pretty is just a predatory covering! We’d joked over how I like skittles almost as much as I love dick. Little did I know she’d line them up and lead me right into the worst trap of my life!

Skittles Were My Downfall


One day I was strolling along with one hand in my pigtail and the other holding a lollipop to my mouth. That’s when I saw the first one—a bright red skittle laying on the ground. I looked around, and no one was looking, so I bent over and plucked it up. Moving the lollipop into my cheek, I eat the skittle. Then! Not more than two feet away was a purple one. I grabbed that one too and then saw an orange one!

Oh my goodness, I thought. This is my lucky day. The trail of skittle seemed as if the candies were getting closer and closer together until something dropped on top of me! A cage! I grabbed the bars and yelled out for help but then saw Idun’s pretty face twisted in glee. She hooked the cage to the back of her truck and drove away with me dragged behind her like nothing!

When the dust settled, she appeared with an ugly older man with a big ol’ potbelly. He was salivating as he handed her money and hefted the cage into his house. I can’t go into the things that happened to me in that house, but I can tell you this, Idun will fucking get hers.

Sooner or later.


844-332-2639 ~Idun~ ext 369 and ~Krysta~ ext 410

