HotMomMonique 1-844-332-2639 x 231

Curious about how I ended up in the shower having steamy sex with my stepson? Well if you sit back, grab your cock, and I will tell you all about our first encounter.

So there I am, minding my own business, gathering everything I need for my shower. The water is nice and hot, the bathroom was already full of steam. I thought I hear a click of a door, but shook it off, attributing the noise to the new kitten I got recently. Satisfied with this conclusion, I stripped from my clothes and stepped behind the glass barrier.

Steamy, Hot Shower Sex with My Stepson


As the water ran over my body in ribbons of warmth, I once again hear a noise in the background. But once again I shook it off. No one was here but me and Mr. Jingles and company was not expected for three more days. I put my head back under the water to drown out any noise I assumed my *** was making.

Then I felt it, a hand on the small of my back. A scream stuck in my throat and I felt fear run through my body. Before I could turn around, there was a hand covering my mouth and lips on my neck. A sexy, familiar voice whispered into my ear to relax and enjoy the moment calmed my nerves. I knew that voice as well as I knew my own.

It was my stepson


Without another word he spread my legs apart and began to rub the head of his cock on my tight, wet slit. Moans escaped past his hands and he knew what I wanted. He knew what he could take without even asking.

Would you like to know how it finished? Then you will have to keep checking back for more. Or you can give me a call or set up a private chat. The choice is yours!

xo Monique xo

844-332-2639 x 231