Vivian 844-332-2639 ext.254

Read Part 1 HERE!

Poker night pussy revenge… I told my boyfriend to wait in the room and I would deal with this. With tears in his eyes he apologized and fled. I sat down in his seat and told the guys there would be one last hand. All or nothing. If the boss wasn’t a pussy he would agree to the following. If he won he could fuck me since I knew that’s what he really wanted. But if I won, he had to give my boyfriend everything and a raise at work.

You could feel the tension in the air. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I leaned forward and asked Mr. Bossman if he was really a boss or if he was a pussy. He instantly agreed to my terms.

With nothing to bet and only skill to rely on we showed our cards. He had a straight while I had a full house. I asked him who won just to rub it in a little. He looked embarrassed in front of all my boyfriends friends a few of which were his employees. Then I had an idea.

Poker Night Pussy

While I eyed all of my winnings I estimated I had a few hundred grand in prizes. But that wasn’t enough for a bad bitch like me. I wanted to up the ante and told him that I was willing to play a game of double or nothing. If I won my boyfriend would fill the newly opened spot of CEO. But if he won I would fuck him if he was willing to return my engagement ring, if the raise would still be in effect and if I could be in charge in the bedroom. The odds were in his favor since he was such a good poker player. The way his eyes twinkled I knew he didn’t care about anything but having sex with me so when I rubbed his arm and asked if he was in I already knew the answer.

I looked at my hand and had to make a decision. I had 4 of a kind and knew I would win but I was still upset that he had the balls to come to our house and try to humiliate my boyfriend. So I decided to teach him a lesson. I asked for 3 new cards and his 3 of a kind beat my 2 pairs. He jumped up and swung me around planting a kiss on my lips. I grabbed him by the hand and told everyone to get the fuck out of my house while I led him to the bedroom. On the way there I snatched my engagement ring off the table and slipped it on.

Pushing my boyfriend’s boss on the bed I told him to hurry and get undressed before I changed my mind. He ripped his clothes off while my boyfriend watched in horror. He was too stunned to say a word. I told him that I lost the last hand and this was his boss’s reward and that he would have to watch.
I turned to the boss and reminded him I’m in charge and told him that whatever is done in this room stays in this room. He probably wants to brag to all the guys at work about what we did but it would be best if he keeps his mouth shut. I walk over to my toy chest and put on my strap on. He wanted me to fuck him and that’s exactly what I’m going to do. He is about to be MY poker night pussy!

Vivian 844-332-2639 ext.254