Naughty Teen April 1-844-332-2639 ext 207  Mistress Pandora ext 283

I have spent time being Naughty Teen April intern for Mistress Pandora.  She is teaching much about being in control of men.  I learn that many men are just big babies.  Because of this lesson, many need to be turned into and treated like babies.  There are many ways to turn big men into little babies too.  I like many ways to control and own little baby men.

Naughty Teen April Intern

Pandora’s boss was being horrible tyrant in the office and had to be taught important lesson.  So, she turned into tantrum throwing baby that he showed himself.  Pandora told me that if I helped her put mean boss into place, she would make sure I have lots of letters of recommendation to get job of my dreams when we were done with corporate takeover.

I find mean boss in soggy diaper in office.  Pandora handed me diaper bag and wished me luck with my charge.  I tell him first thing is we must change icky diaper.  He is very obedient baby boy; he knows that I will report back to Mistress Pandora at end of the day.

I change his diaper teasing him about what he has become.  He used to be big powerful man.  Now look at him.  He is little helpless baby who cannot even use toilet by himself.  Relying on girls like me to change his wet icky diaper all the time.

He tried to get up from changing area and walk around.  “Oh no, you are baby, babies crawl on hands and knees.”  I giggle when he gets down on hands and knees to crawl over to blanket.

“Sitter April has paperwork to do.”

I sit next to baby blanket he crawls to.  While I worked on paperwork for Mistress Pandora, I handed him many baby toys to keep him busy.  He got rattles, chewing keys, and a pacifier to keep him from whining while I do my work.

Naughty Teen April

1-844-332-2639 ext 207

Mama Pandora

1-844-332-2639 Ext 283