Shemale Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

When I strolled into the bar, you were sitting all alone. Half slumped over the bar top, nursing another round. You looked so pathetic, like an easy target. You’d make the most spectacular glory hole superstar. With a smile, I sat beside you and rubbed your back. “Tough day?”

You groaned, already half out. I love it when you losers do the hard work for me. I helped you off the stool and took most of your way as we stumbled to my car. You flopped into the back seat so quickly, already almost asleep. I didn’t care if you passed out, so long as you didn’t wake up till I had my plans in motion.

Glory Hole Superstar

When I pulled into the parking lot, I texted the bouncer, and he came out to help me carry you in. You are such a skinny little sissy boy, and I wondered if you’ve ever taken cock up your ass before. Not that it mattered; there would be a lot of firsts for you tonight.

In the back, the bouncer slid your upper body through the two-foot by two-foot hole. On your tummy with your feet on the floor, the bench under the hole was taking your weight.  From the other side, I locked your wrists into handcuffs drilled into the wall. Next, I tied a strap over your lower back and secured it so you couldn’t squirm away.

With happy little tiptoe steps, I moved back around to where the bouncer waited for me. “All set! Thank you!” I blew him a kiss as he walked away.

“Where’d you get this one?” He asked over his shoulder. I didn’t even bother to answer. Instead, I reached under you to undo your pants and pulled them down and off. Boxers too! You wouldn’t need either, and I felt you stirring a little. Oops, I better move faster! Quickly, I shackled your ankles to the places on the floor so you could kick or anything when you woke up.

Mmm, your pale little ass looked so good all bent over and on display. Of course, the glory hole was about to open, and men would come in all night long to fuck your little free-use hole, but I didn’t see the harm in being the first to fuck you.

I did acquire tonight’s glory hole superstar, after all!


TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349