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Day one of this 31 days of freaky fucking October! Oh, you haven’t heard? Let me catch you up then. I love this time of year but not for the dress up games and the candy and pumpkin spice everything. My love for this time of year because it seems like all the hidden sexual freaks finally come out to play.

I am always on the hunt for something fun and freaky. So, this time of year is always the best for people like me. I’m not doing 31 days of Halloween special. This is 31 days of freaky fucking! Day one for me I really hadn’t planned anything too crazy I was just going to go out and see what October 1st had brought out into the open.

freaky fucking October my sexy ass


Hopping my sexy ass on my motorcycle and riding through the shady part of town. It wasn’t long before I found something strange going on. People walking into a dark ally with cloaks on into a door hidden where a glow was coming from.

I just couldn’t help but be noisy and had to park my bike and go and have a look-see. You wouldn’t believe what I say inside. Looked like a ritual at first some kind of out there type of thing. Everyone in cloaks and walking around just kind of mingling.

Until a guy in a red cloak came out and banged a gong. No one said a word. They just stripped their cloaks off. Everyone was naked under them. They grabbed the person nearest to them and just started fucking each other.

My pussy was getting warm and wet. You know what I had to do? I just stripped right there in that ally and walked in like I was one of them. I have to say this was not what I was expecting on just the first day of freaky fucking October!

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