Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244

Now, I know I done told y’all my husband is locked in the slammer but he ain’t the only man in my life in the big house. A few counties away from where I live now, back where I grew up, another man who is very important to me is locked up too. He’s an evil man, but I love him.

He’s so bad; he has no friends and no woman. He ain’t got no one in his life to love him but me. So, every few months, I surprise him with a conjugal visit. The prison ain’t know that he isn’t my husband. They assume he is cus we got the same last name. No one in there knows I schedule conjugal visits to make my big brother feel loved, If only for an hour.

Conjugal Visit


I get through security, and my panties are always wet before I even see him. I guess its the naughtiness of it all. If they ever found out who I really am to him, hell, they might put me in a cell, too. But they don’t ask questions because they don’t care. He’s mean and angry all the time, except for the days I come to drain his big black balls.

The prison staff almost acts as if I’m doing them a favor. I bet they would feel differently if they knew I was his baby sister.

The guard unlocks the conjugal room, and there he is. Waiting inside. He still has shackles on his feet and cuffs on his wrists. His massive hardon tents his assigned jumpsuit. “Get ’em off me.” He barks at the guard, who I think trembles at the idea of getting close to him. He hurries to undo the cuffs and scurries from the room, leaving me alone with the bad man. But it’s okay. He won’t hurt me too badly. His baby sister is the only person in the world he cares for.


Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244


