A Feminization Fairy Tale Role Play.  A long time ago, in a land far away lived a meek and small boy who lived with his father, mother, brother, and sister.  The father expected his sons to grow to be strong and masculine, but Paige did not feel masculine at all.  He felt feminine and delicate.  His father punished him every day to try and teach him to be a man but to no avail.  Paige continued to be gentle and submissive, and subservient.  He was banished to the women’s quarters, where he was teased while being dressed and treated as a girl.  Paige lived in a limbo world and never felt like she fit in anywhere though she wanted too so desperately.


In another village down the road lived Princess Zoey and her progressive father, The King.  Zoey loved swordplay and was easily embraced early by the mixed-gender army.  Zoey was encouraged to embrace who she felt she was without judgment.  The King had recently announced that the princess would be heir to the throne when the time came to pass on the kingdom’s reign.

Paige’s father, a Duke, heard of this news and began to ridicule and disparage the King and Princess Zoey.  The duke was warned to stop speaking ill of the Princess just because she was a girl.  But the Duke and his oldest son continued their misogynistic comments.  The King, the Princess, and the kingdom’s army took up arms against the duke and defeated him easily.

Princess Zoey was allowed to choose her spoils of war.  The minute she set her eyes on Paige, she knew what she wanted.  Princess Zoey claimed Paige as her own, and within days they were married.  Zoey taught Paige that it was ok to embrace herself for who she was and bought her many pretty things.  They were quickly married, and Paige served alongside Princess Zoey to make the kingdom a better place for all, including effeminate boys who are destined to become submissive women.

Zesty Zoey

1-844-332-2639 Ext 403
