Friday Morning Dirty Diaper Daycare

Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357

Oh, Vey! I know the playroom can sometimes feel like a daycare, but Friday morning was the stinkiest, dirtiest diaper daycare playroom day I’ve smelled in a long time!

Sherry and I were watching the toddlers, you know, the usual crew, Mr. Stinky Pampers, StinkyToddler, and Babypantsbilly. Even a few other diaper boys were hanging around, like BabyKolty and BabyRiley. Everyone was playing nicely, and then the smell hit us in the noses like a garbage truck with no brakes! With so many possible dirty diapers, we were going to have to check every single one and clean up those dirty boys

Friday Morning Dirty Diaper Daycare


First, I approached Stinkytoddler and asked if he had messed his pants. He looked me straight in the eye and said no. A lie, of course. I picked him right up and threw him over his shoulder. Having his nasty diaper that close to my face had me yelling out to Sherry, “Pew, pew pewww. I found one source of the smell!” She laughed as I watched her pull open the front of BabypantsBilly’s diaper.

“This one’s clean!” She called back as I laid Stinkytoddler down. I couldn’t hear it over his cries if Sherry said anything else. He really hates it when I change his diaper. With one down and who knew how many to go, I put Stinky down and searched for the only other boy I knew who could make such a stank!

Mr.Stinkypampers was squatted over his trucks, playing quietly with no one around him. He smelled Pyyyouuuu-stinky winky! He saw me coming and tried to crawl away, but I nabbed him too. “Gaw, you smell the worst,” I told him.

“Nuthuh! I’m clean.” He was lying, too! I laid him on the couch right there in front of everyone and grabbed two bottles of baby powder! It would take all the baby powder I could find to get the room to stop smelling like these two dirty diaper boys!


Kayla Cumsalot 1844-33-CANDY Ext 357