Torri 1-844-332-2639 ext 204

I lay in my bed after my stranger had left me. He told me he was real and this was not all in my head. He would not tell me what he was. And yes I said what and no who. Because this man was no man at all. Though the pit of my stomach was screaming vampire he never once tried to do anything like the old myths said one would do. No sucking my life essences from my veins nothing crazy at all. He just comes into my room when the moon is at its highest after I have fallen asleep.

He told me that he had to wait until I am asleep to enter. I didn’t ask why I really couldn’t I was just in awe of this man. He told me that if I promised to keep this to myself he would not force me to sleep when he left and leave me to fall asleep on my own. I promised him I would. He told me his name was Axel and he was going to be coming to see me every night.

stranger in my bed

If I wanted him not to come all I would have to do is to let him know and he would not return. The thought of him never coming back to me scared me and he could tell. He spoke to me softly telling me that he would not leave unless I sent him away. Layin with me in the bed all he wanted was to kiss and rub and grind. This time it was all I could do to stop myself from cummin with just his lips on mine.

When he left I tried to beg him to stay. He stopped me with a finger to my lips saying he would be back again tomorrow with a treat for me. For me to sleep and he would be here with the moons rising. He slipped out of my window to leave me breathless on my bed wondering what he would bring with tomorrow night. My stranger is no man at all.


1-844-332-2639 ext 204
