Taylor 1-844-332-2639 ext 427

So I was a cheerleader I mean obviously. Of course, I am the type of girl that goes all out in cheerleading, I am the top cheerleading bitch on my team. I like to think of myself being “ The all-American dream girl” but just not all that great. Lol.  I’m just one of those girls that in high school I am popular, pretty, head cheerleader oh and very very preppy. So yea I’m that bitch or was in high school that up holds that type of reputation.  You better believe I wasn’t really a dream girl, maybe a dream slut. There was nothing or nobody that I wouldn’t do. It was always at cheer camp that my slut side came out, we are all cheerleaders, guys too and we are all sexy hot. Most cheerleaders are.

After a long day of all the event activities, all of us were ready to unwind and relax a little bit.  Most of the others had gone to bed except five of the boys, another girl, and myself. It was brought up about how boring it was and we needed something to do and we were all horny, so we came up with a dirty little plan.  Mind you we are in high school and we are at a camp so obviously, there is someone there keeping watch on us, so we have to sneak off and we all meet up in the shower room. A good place anyways because we are for sure going to need it when we get done! Two girls and 5 guys! All of us stripped naked and we sat on the floor and played “spin and kiss the peter”  Very original I know but it got our big orgy going and started out really well.

Taylor 1-844-332-2639 ext 427

