
Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

So for all of you that know me I am a dominant woman through and through. I love the idea of mentally and physically dominating a man or woman to the point of breaking them and then moving on to my next prey. However there was this one time where things did not go according to plan…

The Dominatrix Slayer Pt. 1

On that fateful night I went into my favorite club looking for my next victim. I looked around the bar and saw this guy sitting there. He was an average sized guy at about 5’9 and maybe 190. Everything about him screamed average and maybe a little passive. But there was his eyes… they were bright blue and gave away something deeper. So I smiled at him and he came over.

We had a few drinks, I flirted with him in my usual direct way and off we went to his house. I figured this would be a piece of cake- I would convince him to let me tie him up, then I would slap him around a bit, strap the hell out of him, force him to eat my pussy, ride his cock to the brink of orgasm before simply laughing at his blue balls, untying him and moving on to my next prey.

Once we got to his house I started by making out with him and playing with his cock. I was surprised at the size of it- it wasn’t monstrous but at about 8 inches and a nice thickness it made the encounter a bit more interesting. When I went to push him on the bed he didn’t lose his balance even a little. I smiled at him and pushed him harder and he still didn’t budge!  Now I was getting mad I went to shove him as hard as I could but he grabbed my hands and laughed at me!  I immediately pulled back and slapped him hard across his face. I started to say “How dare you” before he slapped me back twice as hard!!!


I know you want to find out what happens next, so read on here


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203