Best phone sex

Endra 1844-332-2639 Ext 365 

My disgusting pay piggy has such a loser cock! It’s so fucking small you’d literally laugh so hard if you seen it. Of course he’s aware he’ll never get a chance in my pants! I’m far too hot and way too dominant for a loser like him. So what does he do and why does he need me? Well he pays all of my bills and doesn’t have a choice. I have him on a ramen noodle diet while I eat at Ruth Chris everyday. Those lamb chops really make for a great diet! 

Oh ya my new high heels he just bought me are not good enough… eh they may have cost over $1000 but that’s just the cost of one out of many pairs he’s going to buy me. He is my slave! What does he get out of me? My feet dust after my-paid-for-by-him pedicures. He knows his worth and he knows without his wallet and all his credit cards a useless man like him doesn’t get the privilege of speaking with a beautiful woman like me.

Continue reading “My Loyal Slave Piggy”


VANESSA 1-844-332-2639, extension 232

You did ask for this, so all of the blame will be on you. Ultimately, yes, financial ruin is in your immediate future. You just could not kick the habit. You begged for full immersion and of course I obliged. Now, you come crawling to me, begging for mercy. How sad for piggy.

Continue reading “Vanessa’s Extremely Personal Financial Domination Phone Sex”

Squeal Like a *** Phone Sex!

Gianna 844-332-2639 ext 355

Get on all fours and squeal like a *** for Goddess Gianna. Your filthy ass deserves to be whipped and controlled by me. You stumble through life like the useless pay piggy that you are. Your current task is to serve and pay me. Now get on your knees and oink you little asshole!

Continue reading “Squeal Like a *** Phone Sex!”

Watch It! You Dumb Phonesex Slave Bitch!

844-332-2639 xxx 345

I don’t know where some of you pathetic weenies come from but you will never sass me. I have no patience for losers that think that I have nothing better to do than sit here and kiss your ass. If you don’t like my rules then get bent. Do I have to break things down for a dumb phonesex slave bitch like you? Your behavior suggests that I do. Let me spell it out. I exist for you to P.A.Y. and W.O.R.S.H.I.P. me and anyone that fails to grasp this simple concept is not worth my time. 

Continue reading “Watch It! You Dumb Phonesex Slave Bitch!”