Football Playoffs Party

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2639 Ext 270

Y’all know I love a good party, and I’ll use any event as an excuse to host one. Last Sunday, I planned a big NFL playoffs party at my house, with many friends expected to come over. It would be so big that I was anxious the morning of, running around trying to set up decorations and ensure all the finger food was prepared and ready to be served hot.

I was so busy running amuck that it took me so long to realize Baby Kevi wasn’t out of his crib by the time the doorbell rang. Cassey, Mary, and Taylor had come early to help me prepare everything, but Kevi wasn’t even up! I opened the door for the girls and told them to meet me in the TV room while I ran up to get Kevi. When I burst into his room, he was on his back in his crib, rubbing his wand over his soggy Huggies, and I sighed. “You STILL aren’t done yet?”

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Silly Baby Forgot His Diaper Bag

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

I padded into the kitchen, the morning sun rays barely stretching over the horizon to twinkle golden hughs over the countertops. One hand reached for the coffee pot while the other rubbed at my sleepy eyes, and a yawn tugged my mouth. It was a little early for me, but the house was quiet since Keviboy had already left for work. With the heel of my hand kneading over my eyes, my reach for the coffee was blind. My hand bumped into something soft but firm. I looked at the counter, confused by what was in the way of the coffee pot, and realized it was Kevi’s Diaper bag!

He likes to pretend that he doesn’t need his Huggies during the day, but Mommy knows better. Silly babies should always be padded. I poured my coffee in a to-go mug and jumped in the car, still in my bathrobe, to bring Kevi his Diaper bag.

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