TS Alexus 844-332-2639 EXT 349

How many times a week would you say you masturbate? 12? 15? Would it be easier to count how many times a day you jerk your little pickle? What is the deal with that, anyway? Can you not get a woman to touch it? What about you is so awkward or off-putting that you can’t get laid? Look, everyone struggles; I get that. I am not here to judge that, at least. But if you want me to be the one that breaks your streak of not getting laid, you had better be prepared for the consequences.

You think, looking at the divine Goddess that stands before you, that you can fuck me? You are right. You absolutely can. However, in return, I demand recompense. You will pay for your transgressions before the Goddess with the only things you have to offer. First, I demand your cum. All of it.

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