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Sadie 1-844-332-2639 ext 222

I didn’t intend to give you a blowjob in front of everyone but when the opportunity presents itself, what am I to do? It was really a miracle of timing. Only seconds before you stepped behind the bar, I had knelt down to pick up a dropped cap. Imagine my delight when suddenly there pressed inches from my face was your lower body. My eyes had been on those colorful trunks you are wearing all day. There was no doubt who you were. An irresistible impulse drove me to seize the moment.

It Was The Perfect Chance for Some Secret Cock Sucking

So carefully did I tug at your drawstring that you never even felt the knot come loose. With so light a touch did I ease down the front of your trunks. At the very same moment that my fingers guided your cock between my lips, you realize what is happening. With my eyes turned up toward you I see you stunned speechless as your softly sleeping cock springs to life against my tongue. Someone on the other side of the bar speaks to you demanding you turn your attention to them or out me for my illicit cock sucking.

Not wanting to make a scene which would inevitably cause your wife to become involved. Wisely, you decide to keep my secret. In reward, my tongue dances over your cock. Wetly slipping up and down the thick turgid shaft. Deftly my fingers toy with your balls. The taste of your pleasure coats my tongue and makes my pussy wet.

Sucking Cock In Public Is A huge Turn On


Next, I felt your hand, blindly feel the side of my face and move to the top of my head. The half-hearted push barely registers in comparison to the throbbing of your cock in my mouth. Accepting the lack of power you have in this situation, I can feel the moment you give in to me with the subtle thrusting of your hips into my sucking lips.

Leaning your elbows on the bar to camouflage the long dragging motion of your cock slipping out of my mouth is very clever. The shelter of your body allows me to take longer more delicious pulls of your hard erection. Eventually, whomever it was you were talking to leaves. Leaving you alone with me. Your balls boiling and ready to burst. With the hungriest look, I could give you I stroke you against my tongue and whisper. “Do it! Cum for me.”

Fill My Mouth With Your Cum In Front of Everyone

Given the circumstances how could you resist? A wave of release pulses through you as spurt after spurt burst over my tongue filling my mouth. Just as your wife’s voice reaches my ears. Quickly you tuck your cock back into your trunks robbing me of the sweetest last little drops of your cum. Laughing a little too loud. Slightly sweaty and your cock dribbling down your thigh you move so fast to intercept her before she can come around the corner of the bar.

Moments later when I stand up. Sure enough, I find you looking in my direction. I just lick my lips with a smile and a wink. MM, best drink I have had at this party all day.


1-844-332-2693 ext 222