Eastern European Mistress JasmineMISTRESS JASMINE 1-844-332-2639 ext. 262

You need to be punished for your perversions. We both know what those perversions are and how deep, dark and twisted is your mind.

I hold the strings, and I alone. You confessed it all to me, didn’t you? And I listened, oh yes! I listened very carefully because I knew that I would be able to use it ALL to my advantage. Did you really think you could escape from me? Think again, loser. You wither or flourish at my command. My word is gospel. And I intend to expose you to the world. I am going to punish you for your perversions.

Are you ashamed? You should be. When you enter the classroom, you know that exposure and humiliation unlike any you have ever experienced is coming soon. Therefore, the desks and chairs surround you like the steel bars of a cell.

You long to run, to be free of the punishment that is sure to come. And to think, all this was avoidable. But no, you let your perversion get the better of you. You just had to do it didn’t you?

Because you are a filthy fucking pervert.

The door slams behind me as I enter the class room. Your eyes fixed on the front of the room, you do not dare look my direction.

I take a seat at the head of the room, and order you to come forward. Your hands shaking, your stomach turning, your mind asking, “what will Mistress Jasmine do?”

Then at my command your pants fall to your ankles and your body is draped across my knee. The wind sounds with a shriek as the air is cut by the force of my stainless steel yardstick as it snaps hard the skin of your ass.

Pervert! Pervert! Pervert!

All of the other students are laughing at you. I am laughing at you. The skin on your perverted ass is now a bright pink. Tears form in your eyes. You whimper and beg: No Mistress Jasmine! Please! Stop! I promise never to be a pervert again!

Your begging goes unanswered, save for the cruel laughter of me and the other students. For I serve a vengeful God.

And God knows that you must be punished for your perversions.

As the beating continues, something happens to your body, something unexpected. Your cock becomes engorged. STAND UP BOY, I order, cursing you.

But your cock seems to revel in fear, in pain, in humiliation. For as my yardstick slaps across your balls and the head of your cock starts to glisten with cum.

“Take it in your hand, yes, that’s it. Show me just what a filthy pervert you are!”
Then, as your self-gratification begins to reach its pinnacle, my yardstick once again flies through the air, stopping your perverted release in its tracks.

Bad little boys don’t get pleasure without repentance. So yes, you are going to have to wait for it. You come only when Mistress Jasmine tells you you may.

Your penance, forty days of no touching. Forty days of no release.

Now go, reflect upon your sins….


JASMINE 1-844-332-2639 ext. 262

