
Hunter *1-844-332-2639 ext 387*

It’s New Year’s Eve and it’s that fun party time of year! New Years’ is here so that means out partying having a great time and getting that New Year’s kiss. However, this year I am all alone so I won’t be able to get my kiss. But, I can go out to a party to celebrate! Also, who knows maybe I might even get lucky and find a hot sexy stud to kiss at midnight! Tonight I am going out tonight with the girls to celebrate. We are wearing very short dresses that have so much sparkle and shine to them we could be the ball dropping. Of course, while we were getting ready we had to get the party started. Everyone brought a drink to share so we were taking shots feeling even better about ourselves than when we started.

We even started playing little games to play the time being we surprisingly got ready early. No matter what game we played the loser had to take a shot from the winner’s boobs. We also took other shots off each other’s bodies just for fun. Then once we got to the party we got a little closer to each other. Of course, we had a lot of eyes on us so we put on a little show for the guys.

New Years Party stepped up when we went to the private balcony!

We were grinding on each other dancing to the music and kissing each other like we were couples. The guys really liked it when we were kissing each other because every time we did they got us a round of drinks. A couple of the guys came over and joined in on the sexy fun also! We all just took turns kissing and grinding on each other. After what didn’t seem like very long at all it was time for the count down to the New Year. Little did we know the guys that we were with had a private balcony in the club we were at so they took us to it for the count down.

Once the count down was done we didn’t stop there. Being in the private part of the club where no one is really able to see us we stepped up our game. Our dresses came off really driving the guys crazy seeing us stand there in just our sexy bras and panties. We kept dancing and kissing each other like before but we also added body shots into the fun. After a few minutes of this, it didn’t take long for us to be back paired up with a guy straddling then just to lose the rest of our clothes. Even the guys lost their clothes starting a new fun game for us to play.


*1-844-332-2639 ext 387*