young boy                                   Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Miss Anna had gotten a new neighbor. He was a tall, dark, handsome man and had a young son, who was in his 20’s. He often worked long hours, but Miss Anna would try and catch him any time she could, while gardening outside, smoking, or simply bringing in her groceries. One day, that tall, dark handsome man had to go away for a couple days and asked Miss Anna if she could watch over his son. Simply pop in to say hello, make sure he was going to school and eating properly, as well as doing his chores.

Miss Anna’s newest recruit

Miss Anna reluctantly agreed, as she had little experience with young boys. Only babies, sissys and adults. She didn’t know how it would go, but she wanted to help either way. On the first night, she checked in with the young boy, but he barely spoke. He mostly locked himself in his room and seemed very depressed. She had to knock and try to pry it open just to make sure he was okay. At dinner time, she noticed he kept his eyes focused on her glossy nails and would stare at her, as her eye shadow glittered underneath the kitchen lamps. But every time she looked at him or tried to strike up a conversation, he would look away or barely answer her.

The next day, she decided she would surprise the young boy. She crept into the house quietly and found his door unlocked and ajar. She slowly peeked through the crack of the boy’s room and found him riffling through his drawers, as if in a panic looking for something. Then she saw it… He pulled a pair of pink satin panties out of his drawer, undressed and put them on. He twirled in the mirror and looked at himself then collapsed on the bed and began playing with himself. Miss Anna kicked open the door practically scaring the life out of the young boy. He begged her not to tell his dad, for his father was a man’s man and would certainly punish him.

‘’Oh, I’m not going to tell your dad.’’ She said. ‘’But you are in dire need of some sissy training, my little slut.’’ She said, as she clasped his hand with her gorgeously manicured hand. He looked at her and for the first time, he smiled so big she saw all of his beautiful pearly whites.


To be continued…


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203