~~~Olivia ~~~ 844~332~2639~x~226~~~

Just listen to my smooth southern voice as I give you suggestions to follow.  There is no reason to be afraid to be who you really are.  Fixate on one small spot and don’t blink while you take relaxed breaths.  Feel as your body seems so relaxed you could just float up off your comfort spot yet so heavy it can’t.  I’m aware I am a bit technical but after working with social workers in hospitals it is the way I float you off into a hypnotic space.  You’ll have time to share with me if there is a certain thing you would like to have enhanced or even f there is a horrible habit you would like to work with.  Just please don’t think I have any way of knowing the “trigger” word another hypnotist may have given you; it’s not Voodoo!

Just Listen

I am not limited to a sexual session either.  What about something you are trying to excel at?  Maybe needing just a bit more of a push to see yourself being all you can be.  Think maybe unloading some of those things that have been haunting you?  By putting you in a calming state of mind you will feel free to discuss with me things you thought you only needed a shrink for and at a lot less charge.  Now of course most come to me with sexual hypnosis on their mind and I can understand that.  Maybe you feel a bit inadequate in the performance department; I can help with that. You want to take the stress away when you slip into your girlie outfits; I can help with that.  You want to feel extra strength to accomplish anything you’ve tried and failed at; I can help with that.

~~~Olivia ~~~ 844~332~2639~x~226~~~ 

