In Your Wife's Bikini

Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443

It’s been so hot this week; I don’t know why I didn’t think to bring my swimsuit while babysitting for you. You have a beautiful pool, and it’s an easy way to entertain the munchkins.

Usually, I’m a modest, one-piece kind of girl, and I’d never wear anything skimpy while working, but we were desperate to cool off. The kids said their mom wouldn’t mind if I borrowed her bathing suit because she has so many. When I looked in your wife’s drawer, there were only string bikinis. I couldn’t disappoint them by not jumping in with them or saying no to swimming on such a sweltering day, so I tied one on.

In Your Wife’s Bikini


I didn’t expect you to be home so early, but you surprised me when I popped up from under the water. There you were, just standing and staring. The small ones were glad to see you, begging you to come into the pool, and you just stared at me.

At my body.

I was even more surprised when you kicked off your sandals and walked right into the pool, fully dressed. They squealed in delight, but still, you stared. And then you walked right up to me and brushed a finger down my shoulder. “You fill out that bikini better than my wife.” You whispered in my ear and slid behind me. “Go find all the dive sticks,” you told the babies over my shoulder and rubbed your cock against my ass. I could feel your fingers moving along my sides, and my heart raced.

Was all this attention because I was in your wife’s bikini?


Ronnie 1844-33-CANDY Ext 443