Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

Enjoying the beautiful day, driving down the road with the top down, my hair was flying in the wind. I was enjoying the music and started feeling really horny. I’m wearing my favorite sundress with no panties. I slide my hand between my legs and feel how wet I am. Before I know I’m lost in fantasy, one hand on the steering wheel and the other fingering myself with my middle finger inside and my thumb and my clit. It feels so good when all of a sudden I see red and blue lights flashing behind me. Oh no, What did I do wrong? I wonder. I compose myself and finally find a spot to safely pull over.

Before I know it I see the officer walking up in my side view mirror. He’s approaching with such authority, confidence, and totally sexy “Big Dick Energy”. He looks into the car and very matter of factly asks me for my ID and proof of insurance. I hand him what he’s asking for. “What did I do wrong Officer?” I ask. ”You were speeding ma’am” he replied. “Oh no, I’m so sorry Officer” I look up at him. “Well I’m going to…

I’m Sorry Officer

have to write you a ticket” he sternly interjects. I want him to understand that I wasn’t just being reckless. So without hesitation or thinking first I quickly divulge “I was lost in fantasy Officer. I’m so sorry. I really didn’t mean to, you see…” I hike my sundress up revealing my pantyless, horny pussy to show him that it was a crime of passion, or temporary insanity, or heat of the moment. Whatever it was, I had a perfectly good excuse! I don’t think he knows what to say. He’s just standing there, as if rendered speechless. I really hope he understands my dilemma!

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453


