MORGAN 1-844-332-2639 ext 236

Hostile takeover of your dick is something that I have been thinking about lately. Face it, I can pretty much convince you to do anything for me. The fact is I’ve been using my powers of persuasion to manipulate unsuspecting men like you for years now. That’s right, I can easily lure you in and have you so far in before you even realize how deep in you really are. By then, it way too late to turn back.

Hostile Takeover Of Your Dick – Mind Control

Once I have you under my spell it’s only a matter of time for the true manipulation and coercion to begin. Just sit back and let it happen. You really don’t need to do a thing other than to listen to my sexy, southern voice. Let it bring you down to that level of submissiveness that you never even thought possible.

Of course this is something that you’ve thought about but never actually had the balls to carry though with. This is your chance. Just be careful what you wish for because you might just get it. Won’t it be fun to see how far you can be pushed? No more excuses and lame cop outs. This is all about how much control and power I will exert on your weak ass.

Ditch that ugly, dumb wife/significant other and let’s get down to business. You really need to blow your load on a hot girl like me. This is something you have played out over and over in your befuddled head. Do you think with your dick? Well, of course you do. All men do because they can’t help themselves. You will be no different. Soon, you won’t have any way to resist and that will be fine with me.

MORGAN 1-844-332-2639, ext 236