Miranda 844-332-2639 ext 376

Have you ever wondered what it was like being the Daughter of a Trophy Wife? Well, to be honest, it was a fantastic way to grow up. It might have been different if I were a boy, but I was lucky to be born a girl. My mom explained it to me many years ago. A woman’s job is to be as perfect as humanly possible for her man. Exercise, eat right, weekly appointments for hair and mani-pedis, monthly spa trips. And a man’s job is to work hard and fulfill every need of his woman. Doesn’t that utterly sound fantastic?

Daughter of a Trophy Wife

As the woman, it’s my responsibility to be there, listen to you talk, help you when you are down, pick you up when you struggle, and as the man, all you need to do is open your wallet and pamper me. Part of listening is discovering everything you need, finding your cravings, and fulfilling all your sexual desires.

It’s so simple and uncomplicated. That’s what I watched growing up. Luckily, my mother hid nothing from me, so I could see and understand, learning from a true Trophy Wife.

My mother was always dressed in the latest fashion, went shopping often, dined with other executives’ wives, and made sure everyone knew how amazing and successful her husband was. She was his status symbol that he showed off, making every man around him jealous. See, my Dad isn’t that good-looking and is a little on the short side. But when he stood beside my mother, his entire status increased. People didn’t see his faults. They admired his ability to have my mother.

This is what I am looking for. My perfect mate, ally, and lover who can be that man I want. Someone who will pamper me. Someone I will allow to worship me. That someone special who understands what he gets from a relationship with the Daughter of a Trophy Wife.

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