Mistress Pandora 1 844 332 2639 ext 283

Creampie eating contest. All my sissies have been stuck inside, so I figured we’d have something special for my sluts! . I got all of my sexy, big black cock friends, Mistresses, and trannies on the job. I got some disposable pie plate tins and some new lingerie for Myself (and for my sluts who like to dress up). All of my sissies were aflutter as they anticipated their panty pudding in pie tins.

They couldn’t wait to dive face-first into creamy, pussy juice infused jizz. Their slut holes watered, while their sissy sticks dripped and leaked. They were so turned on as they watched me get drilled and filled and squat over their twink tins.

The creampie eating contest had an amazing prize!

The only thing that made them more excited was when I told them the prize. A three-day weekend with Mistress, where I spend one-on-one attention just with them. They get to choose three studs to come with us, and they get to have a striptease show or lesson from their hot blonde MILF Mistress!. They were harder than ever when it was time to begin.

The creampie eating contest was in full swing after I had taken so many cocks that I was stretched and satisfied. Watching their faggot frosting dripping into the tin was grueling,and a few of them came …twice. “we will tackle your premature ejaculation in another lesson,” I assured them. They knew their twink tap was stuck on open and there was too much sissy water drizzled without permission. The time had come to sit at the table.

A three-day weekend with Mistress, where I spend one-on-one attention just with them.

I laid the pie tins down at eight stations. My huge mahogany table was full of second-hand seed. The other Mistresses and hot tranny beauties helped me tie their hands behind their backs, and attach then to my ladder back chairs.

All of the sissies bent over at my countdown. Starting from 10, I counted back until they could have their delicious faggot frosting. They always clean it out of my pussy, or take it straight from the tap, so this was an exciting day.

Their tongues were furiously lapping at the bubbles of man milk. Their hands were tied, but some of them came AGAIN as me and my big black cock boyfriends cheered them on. The cream pie eating contest was a smashing success. It didn’t last very long with the whores that I train. Nonetheless, we crowned a winner.

Mistress Pandora 1 844 332 2639 ext 283

