Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

If I’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times, pick up your clothes when you take them off and put them in the hamper. I’m not sure why you think we have a hamper if you arent going to use it! You have been such a messy boy, and I, for one, am just plain tired of it.

I’m going to count to three, and if all of your clothes aren’t picked up by the time I get to three, I am going to take away all of your big boy clothes. I will throw away your underwear and all of your cool superhero shirts. Instead, you will be forced into diapers and baby clothes that only mommy will be able to change you in or out of because I know how to put things in the hamper.

Count To Three


No, no, don’t start fussing now. I don’t want to hear you cry about it. I’ve given you plenty of chances, and I’ve even helped you by making a chore chart. But, if you can act like a big boy, I refuse to treat you like one.


Hurry up. I still see all those socks on the floor; half of a pair is over there by the bathroom. Oh, your basketball shorts are hiding under your bed, and that dirty old, holy t-shirt you wear to bed every night it’s still on your bathroom floor. Get them all up before I get to three. 

I know it’s hard to hurry when they’re strewn around all over like that. Why do you think I prefer you keep them in the hamper?


Sorry, little boy, it looks like you didn’t make it. Strip out of what you’re wearing now and hand it over. Mommy is in charge of your wardrobe from now on.



Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270