Laylene 1-844-332-2639 ext 419

Catfight. As I strode into the pulsating nightclub, a surge of energy coursed through my veins. The air crackled with anticipation and the throbbing music pounded in my ears.

Amidst the throng of people, my body collided with a middle-aged woman. Her drink splattered over my hot sexy dress, sending a wave of icy liquid down my spine. Fury surged through me as I turned to confront her.

‘Excuse me,’ I snapped. ‘You spilled my drink.’


Her eyes narrowed, and her lips curled into a sneer. ‘Well, watch where you’re going, you little bitch.’

My body boiled. ‘I’m not a bitch!’ I hissed.

‘Oh, but you are,’ she spat. ‘A ratched slut, full of nothing but cum.’

A primal instinct took over. I slapped her hard across the face. She stumbled backward but regained her balance, her eyes blazing with anger. With a swift kick, she sent me crashing to the floor.

Pain exploded in my side, but I refused to yield. I scrambled to my feet and landed a punch square on her chin. She staggered, then retaliated with a fury that took me by surprise.

We traded blows, each hit fueled by a primal rage. The crowd surged around us, cheering and booing as the fight escalated. Finally, I caught her by the hair and slammed her into a wall.

Her body slumped, and I released my grip. For a moment, the room swayed, and the music faded into a distant hum. I had won the fight, but the consequences would be dire. She opened her eyes regained herself and came at me demanding her revenge.