~~~~Olivia~~~~844-332-2639 x 226~~~~

I know I am!  Remember when you use to spy on your older sister and her boyfriend?  You wished you were the one doing those things to her.  It started with you watching her get dressed for the game in her little cheerleader uniform.  It fit so tight and it was so short to show off those contrasting colored panties.

Watching Them In The Car

You would perch at your upstairs window waiting for her to get home.  You knew there would be hot stuff going on before she came in.  Watching him reach into her blouse and under her skirt made your cock so hard. You imagined it was your hands roaming all over her body the way he was. You squirted right in your pj’s when you saw her disappear on the floorboard of the car and give him a blow job right in your own driveway.

Perhaps It Was A Younger Sister

Your younger sister was nothing but a pest to you until you noticed she had boobs.  It seems they popped up overnight, not so round yet but those nipples that always seemed hard and begging for your touch.  It was easy to get to see them too.  Making up excuses to look down her blouse or get close enough to her to rub up against them. 

Perhaps even Younger?

Age play comes in all ages and something I am open to and have no limits.  After all, it is your family, and who brings you to a cum climax is who I can be.  

Other Members Of Your Family

What about your Mom?  Remembering how comfortable you felt in her arms and sucking on her nipples at feeding time.  How you and she were so close until “he” came home.  Oh, how you’d like to show her that you could have made her feel better than him.

Even Another Member Of Your Family?

What about the brother who shared his “girlie” mags with you and taught you how to jerk your cock after he caught you watching him?  You can tell me all about it.

~~~~Olivia~~~~844-332-2639 x 226~~~~

