Rachel 1*844*332*2639 Ext 457
I was staying after class for extra credit. When my professors wife came. I was under the desk sucking away at his rock hard cock. But it went limp when he saw her. Hehe. I tried to be very quiet. But she knew something was going on. So she came over and pulled his chair out. And saw me under his desk. She was so mad. But all I could do was giggle. Which infuriated her even more. He was in shock. There was no innocent explanation possible. So he didn’t even try. He zipped his pants. I could tell that he was really worried. She was horrid. I think the thing he was worried about most was his career. She was a vindictive and she could totally ruin him. This wasn’t good at all. Now she had him exactly where she wanted him. I saw the satisfied smirk emerge and take over. Her mind was going crazy. He looked petrified. She was giving me Mommy Dearest vibes. “Get out from under there Rachel” she spit through gritted teeth. Uh oh. We are both so screwed. I thought.
See Me After Class Part 2
She told me to get my stuff and get out. As I approached the door, she yelled “Rachel, be at our house tonight at 6:30”. I was tempted to pretend I didn’t hear her. But her voice echoed so loud. I was scared everyone heard her. It was so embarrassing. I couldn’t look anyone in the face. As I walked down the hall of shame.
I did not want to go. There had to be a way out of it. I was trying to figure that out. While I was really wishing I could talk to my professor, he texted. “Don’t respond, Just DO NOT BE LATE.” Oh great, I thought. I have to go. Watch for what happens next on TLCphonesex soon. Hehe
Rachel 1*844*332*2639 Ext 457