Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

 After a long week, my friend recommended her tantric masseur. She said it would be life changing and the best thing I could do for myself on Self Care Saturday. And after the week that I’d had, it didn’t take much convincing.

Driving up, I wonder if I’m at the right place. It doesn’t look anything like the massage places I usually go to. There are no windows, just very creative and talented graffiti art. Maybe I should text my friend? I wonder, when a woman came out smiling, happy, and carefree. Ok, I guess I am at the right place.

I’m hit with the aroma of incense when I open the door. The room is dark and smoky. A gypsy type woman is behind the counter. Nervously I approach her. “Yes, I’m here to see Rico” my voice quivers. She grins and giggles at my naivety. “Come with me honey” she motions. I follow her through a bead curtain into a dark hallway. She has long, brown, wavy hair, a long, flowy, hippie skirt, bare feet, lots of anklets and toe rings, and she smells like patchouli. There is a dark, old, wooden door at the end of the

The Tantric Masseur

hallway. She opens it and tells me to go in, get undressed, and get comfy. She closes the door behind her. The room is dimly lit with with candles set around the room on the floor. The walls are covered in ornate tapestries and right in the middle of the room is a pile of thick blankets spread out to form a makeshift “bed” on the floor. I take all my clothes off and slip into the cozy pile of blankets. I’m so comfy and relaxed by the aromatherapy filling the room that I almost doze off. Rico walks in.

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453


