Molly 1-844-332-2639 ext 449

Caught in a compromising position, of pussy out and fingers shoved deep in said pussy. Molly makes the quick decision to just go with the flow and see where this could lead. “Pardon my mess on the desk good sir.” Molly slowly pulls her fingers from her hole. “My momma raised a good girl and I always clean behind myself. Pulling her legs off the desk, Molly moves closer to the desktop. She makes sure to keep eye contact with him while lowering her head to the desktop. Molly leans down more and licks her cum off the desktop. Watching his Adam’s apple bob causes Molly pussy to start reviving itself. Molly stands up and picks the envelope holding the cleaning crew’s Holiday bonus. She leisurely ambles her way over to him. Looking to his name tag, “Carl, this is the cleaning crew’s Holiday Bonus.” She rubs the envelope across her chest, before handing it over to Carl. “Sorry that it’s a little wet. I didn’t realize how messy I can be.” With a wink to Carl, Molly backs away and moves towards the front of the desk.

Listen for the Jangle!

With her back facing him Molly begins to lower her thong panties. After stepping out of her panties, Molly bends over the desk, spreading her legs apart a little and using her forearms as a brace on the desktop. She glances back at Carl over her shoulder. With a lust smile on her face, Molly wiggles her naked bottom half at him and speaks. “This pussy right here can be your Holiday bonus, Carl, if your man enough to take it.” Turning her head forward and facing the windows of her office, Molly can see their reflection casted back at them. After a few beats of silence, Molly closes her eyes. “Well, this turned out to be a bust! Guess I’m taking this hungry pussy to home, so I can feed her myself.” Before Molly can straighten up, she hears the jangle of keys hitting the floor. Molly’s eyes fly open, not to see how close Carl is because she already knows the answer to that question. Molly’s eyes have popped opened because her hot, wet pussy is no longer empty. It’s been filled by a thick hard dick.


Molly 1-844-332-2639 ext 449