
Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Tami had gotten a boo-boo on her knee. Mommy Anna ran to the park to pick Tami up and carry her baby back home. ‘’That’s it!’’ Said Mommy Anna, no more playing outside with the other babies in the neighborhood, you’re staying home with Mommy. Little did Tami know, that Mommy Anna was watching the whole time from the second-floor window. Watching and waiting for Tami to fall, as she knew it was only a matter of time.

Whatever happened to Sissy Baby Tami? PT.1

Mommy Anna carried Tami to the nursery at home, and Tami squirmed and tried so hard to kick and fly out of Mommy’s arms like a ragging toddler, but Anna wouldn’t have it. She only grabbed onto Tami tighter and marched faster to the Nursery. Once inside and Tami heard the click, lock, and double bolt shut and turn behind the nursery door, Tami knew she was in for it.

There was no escaping now. No windows, no outdoor world. Just the nursery, with all of its devious evil naughty furniture and accessories and toys. There was evil lullaby music playing and Mommy Anna renovated the room to have the ceiling painted with rainbows and unicorns for Tami. Whenever  Mommy placed her on the change table or in her crib or bassinet, Tami looked up at the pretty pictures on the ceiling and drift away in baby land.  This helped keep Baby Tami in a submissive state, no matter what Mommy was doing to her.

First Mommy Anna laid Tami in her bassinet. It was a beautiful pink bassinet with lace trim and a veil on top. While Tami laid down in it, Mommy Anna strapped her in so she couldn’t move or escape. Mommy Anna then went to the sink kitchenette in the nursery and began making a special concoction for Tami of baby food and sissy juice in her ba-ba.

What was Mommy Anna going to do? Do you really want to know?


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203