
Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Tami had made some stinky full messies in her diaper so Mommy Anna carried her to the bathroom and drew a bath. Not just a regular bath, but a bubble bath. Mommy Anna made sure to fill the tub right up and bubbles floated everywhere. Tami hopped in and began splashing mommy and splashing everywhere.

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Truck Stop Tami


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Tami and Mommy Anna went to looking for trouble and were supposed to pick up Mommy Laylene on the way. Unfortunately, it got dark quick, and somewhere along the way, they took a wrong turn while blaring the radio too loudly. They ended up a truck stop in the middle of the desert. Mommy Anna insisted they go in and ask for directions, but Tami said: ‘’No mommy! I stay here! Mommy go in!’’ So, Mommy Anna went and trotted her way into the truck stop in her 6’’ heels.

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