Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270
Oh, you poor wittle baby! What’s got you so full of tears? Come over here and sit on Mommy’s lap. I’ll kiss away your tears, then ask you what has you upset. Were the other ab/dl’s or sissies mean to you? Did you accidentally brush up against my bull? What’s wrong, sweety? *kiss* *kiss*
My poor sweet baby. Nuzzle your face into Mommy’s breasts. I’ll rock you back and forth until you collect yourself. Good boy. There there, mommy’s got you! Ok. Deep breath in. And holllld. And out. Ok. Now use your words little baby. I know the benches here are super hot. Did you burn your widdle legs? No? Uggh fine! If you won’t tell me, then at least show me!