Earn Your Fresh Diaper

Mama Felicity 1844-332-2693 Ext 270

Oh my God! It must be so humiliating for you to be laying there in soiled pampers begging Mommy to change you. Remember when you swore you wouldn’t wear diapers for me? Because you are a “man,” after all, and diapers are for babies!

Then you got so hard and excited you agreed to wear a diaper but promised me you would NEVER use it for its intended purposes. HA! Now look at you. Soaked in your own wetness and smelling riper than any diaper pail I’ve come across. Worse, even, you are so stiff in that soiled diaper as you plead with me to change you. But you know the only way to earn a diaper change is if you lick Mommy to orgasm. Three times without cumming in your diaper. Can you earn your fresh diaper?

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