
VANESSA 1-844-332-2639 ext 232

Spring Financial Breakdown – Spring is a season of renewal and definitely time for a financial breakdown for you. Admit it, this is something you have craved for awhile. It’s not something to be taken lightly no matter how fun and even frivolous it sounds. The question is do you have what it takes to back up all of your talk? We shall see. You say you are a pay piggy, but we shall see if the proof is in the piggy pudding.I always start off slow and seductive, testing you and feeling you out to see exactly what your limits are. I expect full submission and for you to spoil and pamper me. What I don’t expect are false promises and lying piggies.

You will be fully expected to be good to your word. If you don’t follow through there will be consequences. Prepare yourself accordingly.

Spring Financial Breakdown


You should never want to disappoint your Mistress. Go ahead, sit back and feel the intense power and masterful control I have over you. Give in to that constant urge to call and play. Live in the moment and damn the consequences.

I will guarantee you that each session will be more intense and more addictive. As you continue to interact with me, the less control over your life you will have. Eventually, I will overtake everything, it’s just my nature. Having a powerful woman take charge of your cock and your wallet is a privilege not a punishment. It is so addictive to just indulge in that feeling of letting go and giving up all control. Of course it may be terrifying and thrilling at the same time but the thrill is unlike anything else and outweighs everything else.Time to see if you really have what it takes, mr. ***.

VANESSA 1-844-332-2639 ext 232