
Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410

I am so bored. All my coloring pages are colored and all my puzzles are puzzled. Giving my playroom one last look over, I know I am for sure, out of luck. This is the end of the world. For surely I will succumb to boredom. Then, just before all hope is truly lost, I hear footsteps in the hall.

Daddy is leaving his office with an empty coffee mug in his hand. He’ll know what to do! I chase him down the hallway and crash into his back. Locking my arms around him, I tell his back “I’m bored.”

Pretty Daddy


He tells me he is still working so I have to entertain myself at least until he has finished for the day. I’m not happy about this at all. If I knew how to entertain myself, I’d be doing it! Stomping off to my room, I gather up all my make-up stuff. I’ll show Daddy just how I decide to keep busy.

I have a lot of make-up! Two arms full, in fact, and I carry it all into Daddy’s office and dump it on his desk. He gives me a worried look but I’m only doing what he told me to do. He can’t get mad at me for listening like a good girl. First I dip my puffy rouse brush into the blush the aim it for his cheekbones. Dusting on the pretty red color makes me laugh out loud.

“What do you think you are doing?” He asks me with a grumpy face.

“Making Daddy pretty!”

“No.” He thinks he is being firm but I keep ignoring him to get out my purple eye shadow. It’s going to look so good on him when I’m finished.


Krysta 844-332-2639 Ext. 410