Cuckold phonesex

CUCKOLD GODDESS JASMINE 1-844-332-2639 ext. 262

My lover Mikhail and I like to play games with  weak cuckold losers like you. And so, I arranged that I would have you all prepared for him. As he opened my bedroom door, there you were! LOL! And what a sight–blindfolded, bent over my canopy bed and with a big pink jewelled butt plug in your ass.

“Wh-wh-what? Who is that?” you asked me in alarm. I merely gave you wicked smile and then sauntered across the room, swinging my hips as my high heels clicked upon the hardwood floor. Then I gave my man a deep, French kiss. “Who is it?” I mocked as I stripped my lover’s clothes off ravenously.  His big, thick, delicious cock popped out, already rearing and ready to go. “Oh well, let us just say he is a special surprise for you!”

I pursed my lips and held my finger to them. “Shhhh…” I said flashing Mikhail a playful wink.

I then took him over to you and began stroking his cock right before your face. Then I rubbed it on your lips.

Oh my! Weren’t you surprised?

You began to whimper and say that you had not “signed up” for this.

“Shut the fuck up, bitch,” I commanded. “Did you really think that a pitiful excuse for a man like you could ever hold my attention at all?

“You are not a real man. And I only fuck real men. And real men have big fat cocks like this!”

Mikhail bitch slapped your face with his a cock a few times. Then, unceremoniously, he shoved it into your mouth. Truly, it did not entirely surprise me that you began to suck him off like a true faggot.

Oh of course you drooled like imbecile and gagged like the bitch you are. But all three of us knew the truth.

You had sucked cock before and on more than one occasion. And what is more? You liked it!

And so we played with you for hours. We are at the top of the food chain and people like us prey upon weak losers like you. It makes for us good sport.

We made you get hard and then mocked your feeble little cock. And we laughed at how you claimed not to be a faggot when you kept getting so turned on over and over again as you pleasured Mikhail’s big cock.

Then, I removed your blindfold and taking Mikhail by the hand, lay down upon the bed and we began to fuck right in front of you.

Your eyes widened as your watched my perfect pussy getting pounded, as you heard me moan with pleasure at how good that big cock felt deep inside me!

And your little cock got harder and harder and began to leak precum all over the place, didn’t it?

When Mikhail and I had taken our pleasure of each other, we lay back luxuriously and shared a bottle of Amorone while speaking in desultory fashion about what a prize cuckold loser you are. And then we began to torture you further.

What fun we had at your expense, cuckold bitch! Mikhail fucked your ass so deep and hard that you screamed like little girl.

And the more you screamed, the crueller I became. I whispered filthy names in your ear and teased you mercilessly about your tiny dripping cock.

I made you beg to take a come shot in your face. And I extracted a promise that you would swallow every last drop.

Taking another sip of wine, I walked about the room, surveying the scene I had orchestrated.

Finally, I gave a wicked crimson smile and said, “Go on. Let him have it!”

Whereupon Mikhail blew such thick loads of come on your face that you looked like a glazed donut. LOL!

“Go on now, bitch,” I cooed. “Lick it all up, like little kitten.”

And guess what? You did.


JASMINE 1-844-332-2639 ext. 262