Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

I’ve tried to quit smoking a million times. I know its bad for me to smoke, but I crave that rush. The way the butt feels between my lips and when the nicotine rushes through my veins. My husband hates it and has gone so far as to ban me from indulging. But, of course, I never listen. I’ve stopped smoking in front of him, sure.

Now, I just wait until he’s gone to bed, and I slip out onto the back porch with only the stars as a witness to inhale that sweet, forbidden treat. Well, I thought the stars were my only witness. I had no idea my neighbor’s nosey son had been watching me as I hid in the shadows outside.

His First Smoke


Last night, the neighbor’s son surprised me as I shivered in just my smoking shawl wrapped over my PJs. “Mrs. Felicity?” His voice startled me, and I clutched my heart.

“Oh, Jeez! I thought you were my husband.” I chuckled and inhaled again as I looked over the boy watching me.

“Why would that scare you?” He stepped closer as I exhaled as if he wanted to breathe in the air. I grinned at him as I drew in another drag. The red glow from the cherry swelled as I sucked. Then I waved the stick between my fingers.

“He doesn’t like it when I smoke.” The boy watched the smoke billow from between my lips, and I could tell he wanted to try.

“then why do you do it?” His head tilted, and I grabbed the back of his neck. My face leaned in towards his, and I inhaled one more time before whispering over his lips.

“I’ll show you.” I purred before pulling the stick away and pressing my lips to his. I blew the warm smoke into his mouth and knew he took it in as he gasped in shock. My lips pressed to his, and my tongue stroked the inside of his mouth as the sweet grey trindles of smoke wisped out to disappear on the wind. “Because it feels so good.”


Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270