Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453

Living in the city can sometimes feel like you’re living in a fish bowl, totally exposed. I can’t help but notice one neighbor in the next building over. It’s seems as if he’s always there, in the window watching or wanting to be watched. My instinct is to look away, but sometimes I can’t help myself. I’m just so curious about him for some reason. Who is he? What does he do? Does he live alone? I find myself thinking about him more and more, even during the day while I’m out. I look at all of the strangers on the street to see if I might recognize him. Could that be him? I wonder. Would he recognize me? Does he even know I exist? Why am I so anxious to get home to watch him?

The closer I get to home, the more butterflies start to flutter throughout my entire body. The anticipation is mounting and I’m beginning to worry that he won’t be home. Then what? I’m starting to feel like a crazy person but I don’t care! I want to see him, know him, for real. But what if he’s really a crazy person? This could be


dangerous! But somehow I don’t care! I’m drawn to him! This isn’t like me, I’m usually scared of everything. But this is a thrilling dangerous, it’s an excitement I’ve never felt before! It’s so exhilarating and addictive!

His windows are dark. I’m so disappointed. I can’t stop obsessively checking all night. But nothing! What if he’s gone? What if he moved? Maybe he’s out of town. Then all of a sudden my world turned on with the flick of his light switch. There he is! Is he really wearing a silk smoking robe? Be still my heart! He’s staring in my direction! Can he see me?! Without warning his robe drops to the floor and he’s standing completely naked, totally exposed!

Julie 1844-332-2639 Ext 453


