
Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203

Miss Anna had a long day, and after doing all of her chores and helping her naughty boy with his homework, it was time for bed. ‘’No!’’ said the naughty boy. ‘’I don’t want to go to bed! I’m not tired!’’ Miss Anna insisted, but the naughty boy ran throughout the house. Miss Anna proceeded to her bedroom to get changed, as she knew this would be quite the chase. That’s when she suddenly heard her kitchen drawers flying open and shut.

Anna’s Naughtiest Boy Pt. 2

Her Naughty boy had riffled through the kitchen in order to beat her to it: He was going to steal her wooden spoon so that she couldn’t use it on him. Miss Anna finished changing into her robe and lingerie, and flung her 6’’ heels towards her bedroom wall. She was going to tip toe and catch that naughty boy of hers. She crept downstairs. Then, she tried to entice him by calling out to him: ‘’Okay baby, you don’t have to go to sleep, but I have to tuck you in. Come out, come out, wherever you are. I’ll read you a naughty bedtime story.’’ There was silence and then from a distance: ‘’Not by the hair of my hard cocky- a-dy-cock-cock!’’

Miss Anna grinned, for she so loved to play with her naughty boy, and taunting her was only building up her frustration. She began peeking in every hiding spot she could find: behind the curtains, underneath the couch, in the basement, the laundry room. She began to grow tired herself, and decided to take a break. Miss Anna went back upstairs to her room and began to moan and touch herself on her canopy bed. That’s when she heard it: ‘’Oh God…’’ it was her Naughty boy. She pretended to get up to fetch herself a toy from the nightstand, but instead crept around the bed, and ripped the closet door open, only to find her naughty boy there, pants down getting off on watching her.

Miss Anna grinned, she was going to punish him more than ever before…


Anna 844-332-2639 EXT. 203