Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270
Oh, you poor wittle baby! What’s got you so full of tears? Come over here and sit on Mommy’s lap. I’ll kiss away your tears, then ask you what has you upset. Were the other ab/dl’s or sissies mean to you? Did you accidentally brush up against my bull? What’s wrong, sweety? *kiss* *kiss*
My poor sweet baby. Nuzzle your face into Mommy’s breasts. I’ll rock you back and forth until you collect yourself. Good boy. There there, mommy’s got you! Ok. Deep breath in. And holllld. And out. Ok. Now use your words little baby. I know the benches here are super hot. Did you burn your widdle legs? No? Uggh fine! If you won’t tell me, then at least show me!
A Wittle Rash
I’m getting fed up with this. Mommy is sweating too ya know! So where is it? Where’s the issue? Show me right now! No, I don’t care if it’s embarrassing. Ok, then pull your diaper down and show Mommy. The more of a fuss you make, the more people will pay attention, so hurry up and drop that diaper down. Mommy Felicity is getting real tired of waiting. Good boy!
Oh, that? Baby, that’s just a diaper rash. I’m sure it itches and even stings a little, but this is entirely too much fuss. Well, yes, I have medicine for it, but you were too embarrassed to pull your diaper down to show me. Are you really going to pull it all the way down, here in public, for a few minutes while I apply the crème in front of everyone and then get you a fresh diapee? We could also go to the car, but it’s so hot outside; who KNOWS what it’s like in there? Or I can just take your whiney butt home. So what’s it gonna be, baby? Call me, and let’s figure out how to handle this wittle rash.
Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270