Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244
I got this rep around town for being the penis punisher. Whenever boys misbehave, their wives bring them to my house for penis punishment. It’s crazy to me how a woman can say she loves a man, but then when he does her wrong, she “feels bad” for putting him in his place.
I guess if she had never let him out of his place, he wouldn’t have misbehaved and gotten them into this situation.
Penis Punisher
They get the bad boys to my house, claiming we’re going have a naughty threesome. Men can never say no to my big tits, and cus they are dumb. As soon as the wife and I start kissing and stripping, the man always jumps outta his clothes like they are on fire.
Stupid dick standing straight up, he’ll do anything to get it off. That’s when we pull the rug from under him, and I start slapping his dick. I love it when they double over and wail out. As if anyone here cares, Sir.
SLAP. SLAP. SLAP. His cries of pain make me hollar in laughter, and soon his wife is laughing too. It’s funny how a man can be yelling for you to stop slapping his manhood around but then cums pathetically all over himself from the abuse.
Lea 1844-332-2639 Ext. 244