Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270

That lucky little Irish fuck is going to be running amuck in just a few weeks, and this year I’m going to catch him. I’ve been doing my research; see, I thought leprechauns stole from people to get those big ol’ pots of gold, but that isn’t true! They are humble little cobblers, like shoemakers! Though they can not resist the temptation of collecting more and more gold. They spend all their time either stitching soles or finding abandoned gold.

So if I catch me a leprechaun this St. Patricks day, I’ll not only make him grant my three wishes (They have to, it’s a thing), tell me the hidden location of his pot of gold but I’ll also lock that little man up and make him cobble me up some of the hottest new heels for my delicious feet.

Preparing My Leprechaun Trap


They say wearing green makes you invisible to leprechauns, and that’s why people pinch you, to remind you to wear it. So I’m going to paint every inch of my naked body green and then pile a ton of gold coins in my lap. Once I’m practically invisible with a honey pot of gold just waiting there, the little fairy-like creature should jump right up onto my thighs. That gold will be irresistible to him!

I’ll snatch him up and demand he grant my wishes as soon as he shows me where his hidden pot of gold is. I want to be rich! Filthy, stinking rich so I can jet across the world and fuck a new stranger in every country! I’ll keep my little friend in a birdcage that can travel with me. As a cobbler, I’m sure he will be very happy sending his time tending to my toes.

Once he is mine, we’re gonna have so much fun!


Phonesex with Felicity 1844-332-2639 x 270