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Auntie/babysitter is a call I really enjoy doing.  Having no little one of my own, I really love spending time with the little ones.

~Rock a bye baby in the treetop~ My neighbor will ask me to watch her little one when she goes out. ~When the wind blows, the cradle will rock~ I’ts usually very late when she comes home and the baby gets to spend the night.

I keep him allot so I have a good supply of diapers and binkies.  Giving him a bath is one of my favorite things to do.

Every Baby Needs a Ducky Or Two

~When the bough breaks~ I have a special little sink size bathtub for him.  Oh, and every baby must have a ducky or two. A clean baby is the best smell.  I take the washcloth and clean him from top to bottom, making sure I get into all the little folds. ~the cradle will fall~

Changing Table And Rocking Chair

After bath time I take him to the changing table and then on to the best part. ~and down will come, baby, cradle and all~ Taking him to the rocking chair.

In Your Little Boy Sailor Outfit

Sometimes we will sit in front of the big picture window and lookout.  I like to dress you in perfect little boy baby clothes and take you out.  You are so cute in your little sailor outfit; strapped into your baby seat.  I’ll describe what we see as we are riding along.

Little Baby Boys Are So Sweet

I love little baby boys who are sweet and someone needs to take care of them.  Do you want to be Olivia’s little baby boy and enjoy the care she can give?  Changing diapers, giving bottles and binkies and taking everyday care


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