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Listen to my sexy voice!

It’s Torri!!!

Cummin’ to you from the DEEEEEP south where we like to get down by GOIN’ DOWN and it’s your turn! I know all the best stops to get DIRTY in my backwoods. I’ll take you to a place so dark and dirty no one will be able to hear me SCREAM! Or you SCREAM you know either really works for this BRATTY SWITCH who loves to poke at her daddy to test his limits but LOVES to turn daddy into putty just to wrap right around my finger…Then use that FINGER to do very VERY naughty things; whether that’s to me or you I’ll leave to your IMAGINATION *Mwahahaha*

You want to know the DEVILISH ideas that run through my mind? Well better get your play clothes on and don’t bring nothing you’re afraid to lose because my mind is a FILTHY mine field of hidden TEMPTATIONS, some oh so NAUGHTY secrets mixed with some rough and ready play you will come back for again and AGAIN!

Think you can tame this BRAT?

I dare you to try! I don’t know the meaning of “doing as I’m told”. I just love TWISTING those orders around to fit my NEEDS to see just how far I can press you before you decide I need a SPANKING. But don’t think that means you’ve won. A spanking is just a good time BEGGING to start and once you start with me not even the STRONGEST of men can stop. Don’t let that scare you though. Surely you’re different; surly you have what it takes to calm this teens CUNT into SUBMISSION. Or maybe you’d prefer I show you what a girl from the south is made of. I can promise you it’s not sweet tea and apple pie though if you want to eat something SWEET I have a few ideas where you can start!